Saturday, October 8, 2011

Ghazals, Similes and Metaphors

"All writing is communication; creative writing is communication through revelation- it is the Self escaping into the open. No writer long remains incognito."
E.B. White
The Elements of Style

This week we studied an ancient form of poetry known as Ghazal, consisting of five to fifteen couplets. At the end of alternate lines the last two words are repeated. Here are a few examples:

Jack Radford

Too many of us fight.
Loud and horrid, fighting for peace

for us and the world.
Long and droning, waiting for peace

to come to all.
Praying and begging for peace,

hoping it will spare us.
A need and want for peace

to bind us in love.
Fighting, waiting, and begging for peace

to spare us all from sin.
Exacting forgiveness for peace

to spread across the world.
Spending lives for peace

to create new life.
Hoping lives will pay for peace

to begin a golden age,
an age people want for peace.

Teddy Bilbao
You didn't understand him
he had no purpose, no peace

You tried to be nice
he misinterpreted your efforts with no peace

You tried to be his friend
he didn't requite, no peace

You let him do what he wanted
it brought him no peace

He respected you for it
it brought you no peace

You let him leave and be free
it gave all no peace

He tried to be happy on his own
he brought no peace

He gave up
he was tired of no peace

He gave up and trusted you
he was tired of no peace

Menelik Cannady
The key of C, red as a rose
King of keys in the musical rainbow

The key of C#, blue as the sky
The triumphant key in the musical rainbow

The key of D, emerald at its finest
The glorious key in the musical rainbow

The key of Eb, turquoise, exotic
The bashful one in the musical rainbow

The key of E, maroon as scarlet
The arousing key in the musical rainbow

The key of F, yellow as the bright sun
The wake-up key in the musical rainbow

The key of F#, shiney as the blue sea
The joyous key in the musical rainbow

The key of G, nature green in its glory
The brilliant key in the musical rainbow

The key of Ab, indigo as the night sky
The relaxing key in the musical rainbow

The key of A, purple as violets
The mysterious key in the musical rainbow

The key of Bb, pink as a flamingo
The graceful key in the musical rainbow

The key of B, orange as the rising sun
The victorious key in the musical rainbow

All colors, hand in hand
Perfect harmony in the musical rainbow

Megan Bennett
What are you doing? What is happening?
Is this really starting my disappearance?

I'm falling into the dark
It is the motion of my disappearance.

My programming crashes, like a computer,
is my days because of my disappearance.

I don't want to go down!
Please, stop my disappearance!

My materials are leaving.
It must be caused by my disappearance.

I hit ground, finally.
I must stop my disappearance.

I might be gone for good soon.
Will anyone notice my disappearance?

I can't find my way back.
I guess this is my disappearance.

I am Hatsune Miku.
Please remember my disappearance.

We also discussed the difference between metaphors and similes. Here are a couple of poetic endeavors with metaphors and similes:

Rachel Levi
His hair is a curtain,
I can't see through
His brow is sharp,
arched and true
His eyes are daggers,
they pierce my heart
His lips are smirking,
malicious dark
His chin looks royal,
his jaw is a mace
His neck is regal,
he speaks with grace
His words are poison,
they shake me still
His arms are muskets
aimed to kill
His wrists are wiry,
sometimes they are see-through
His fists are clubs,
they beat me black and blue

Eric Loytty
My bunny is like snow
I play with my bunny
My bunny is awesome
He is super bunny
My bunny is delicious
I made bunny pot pie

Words of the Day
click on word to read definition


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