Monday, November 5, 2012

Six Words Can Say It All

"They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night."
Edgar Allan Poe

"I believe that we are meant to move through the world with interest, and writing keeps me interested.
It is like comparing notes."
Julia Cameron
The Right to Write

     This quarter begins  our study of the short story and to kick-off the section students wrote six-word stories, a concept made famous by Ernest Hemingway when he wrote-

For sale: baby shoes, never used.

Here are a few student examples:

Angels are my type of thing.
Carly McGirt

Finally flying so high, I fell.
William Lampke

Falling in reverse is very confusing.
Ella Rosenberg

Lemurs go swimming, crocodiles get full.
Ian Fisher

Man killed by Subway at dinner.
Mike Guinn

He thought he could swim. Sinking...
Christian Giglia

Rides roller coaster, sleeps in hospital.
Sophia Kalyuzhnaya

Paperboy missing? Didn't hear the news.
Alexander Jones

Best cantrip: sing yourself to sleep.
Emma Carter

     Another assignment asked students to write a paragraph using a first line from one of Edgar Allan Poe's short stories. Here are two examples: 

     Misery is manifold. It is too much to handle. People. Making others mad and sad is not what we are made for. Why can't we work on an agreement to make things right, and not make hate the thing between families around the planet?
-Jake Dudzik

It was a chilly November afternoon. I saw it, small and insignificant to some. But not to me. It was a shining beam of hope. I picked up the small diamond ring and put it in my pocket. If I sell it, I may have just enough money to get to America.
-Emma Carter

Words of the Week
click on word for definition
