Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Play's the Thing

I'll have grounds
More relative than this—the play's the thing
Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the King.
Hamlet Act 2, scene 2, 603–605

     In Creative Writing this Quarter, the play is the thing. To date we have watched video clips from Our Town, Waiting For Godot, The Proposal, Antigone and a play co-written by Alli Meyer's brother. We have discussed elements of plays, plots, script elements and stage direction. Most recently, our topic has been props. Here are a few original scripts from students:

Prop Assignment #2
Curtain opens with three chairs on stage.
Setting is to be determined by scriptwriter, but the chairs must be in a specific location (e.g., airplane, bus, subway, etc.).
Enter Character 1, stage left. Sits in one of the chairs.
Character 2 enters stage right, sees Character 1. 

Rachel Levi's Script
Character 2
     Taxi! (Waves frantically)
Character 1
     (Steering over to curb. Character 2 sits in available chair, Character 1 starts to 'drive')
     Where are you headed?
Character 2
     We're headed to the train station.
Character 1
Character 2
     (Swaps seat and speaks in squeeky voice)
     Yes, me and my husband.
Character 1
     I don't understand Sir.
Character 2
     (Swaps seat and speaks in normal tone) We're going to visit my sick Aunt.
Character 1
     But there's only-
Character 2
     (Swaps seat and speaks in squeeky tone) Hahaha, you're silly. Isn't he, dear? (Swaps seat and speaks in normal tone) Yes. Quite a strange fellow.
Character 1
     (Shakes and head and blinks)
Character 2
     (Swaps seat and voice) Oh, I hope Aunt Petunia is feeling a little better. She sounded dreadful on the phone. (Swaps seat) Oh I'm sure. Anyway, she'll appreciate the company. (Swaps seat) She's such a lonely old woman.
Character 1
     (Clears throat) Are you okay sir?
Character 2
     Oh yes, he's fine. Aren't you dear? (Swaps seat) Quite, but the weather is simply dreadful. (Swaps seat) Oh, I know. New York is horrible this time of year. (To Character 1) Don't you agree?
Character 1
     Eh, yes. Horrible.
Character 2
     (Swaps) That's why I'm grateful to be heading South. Nicer weather. (Swaps and playfully shoves the space on the 'empty' chair) Darling! Don't be grateful for Aunt Petunia's cold. That's horrid. (Swaps and chuckles) I'm only joking, Dear. (Character 1 'pulls over' to curb and rapidly unbuckles seatbelt) Oh look, darling. We're here! (Swaps) What do I owe you Sir?
Character 1
     It's fine, it's fine! (Opens door in a flustered way and slams it, running from the car Stage Right)
Character 2
     (Swaps) Oh my! What happened to him? (Swaps) Eh, at least we don't have to pay. (Swaps) Honey, that's dreadful! Don't you agree Sir Cunningham? (Swaps and sits between seats, changing voice to British accent) Indeed, dreadful. The poor nervous man.

Prop Assignment #3

Write a skit centered around the prop given you. Your skit may include as many characters as you wish but each character must touch and comment on the prop.

Menelik Cannady's Script
Prop- Shipping Crate

Big Benny: Yo Dennis! How’d the trip go ta LA last week?

Dennis: Was the best trip ever man! I had like no delays nor traffic jams. I don’t know what happened but everyone must’ve been chillin’ at home.

Big Benny: Ugh, I can’t wait for that big job that Boss told us about the other day. It’s gonna be awesome.

(Suddenly Mack pulls up)

Dennis: Oh snap! It’s Mack!

(Mack gets out of his truck)

Mack: Well, well, well if it ain’t mah boys Big Benny and Dennis. Last time I saw y’all was that job up the Alaskan roads.

Dennis: Was the scariest job ever!

Mack: Well, I got word from Boss that y’all are supposed to take an assignment tomorrow.

Dennis: Who’s drivin’?

Mack: Both of you.

Big Benny: How the?

Dennis: At the same time?!

Mack: Uh-huh

Dennis: That’s impossible, we can’t drive the same truck at the same time!

Mack: Oh really? If you want proof, follow me.

(Big Benny and Dennis follow Mack into a giant truck storage room. It is pitch black when they get in. Mack flips on the lights and the King of Trucks is revealed: The Tyson Mega-Hauler Dual Lane Truck)

Big Benny: Holy!

Dennis: That’s crazy!

Mack: She’s a strong one. But it takes a lot of skill to drive her. She’s got a Turbocharged 1,000hp Mack HH engine in the front, and a 700hp Corvette engine in the back where the backdriver sits.

Dennis: This is gonna be awesome

Mack: Better get some shuteye for tomorrow, for tomorrow’s the Big Day.

Dennis: (Yawns) Yeah, it’s gonna be a long trip.

(Dennis, Big Benny and Mack get to bed. They wake at 3am along with some others. They meet Boss in the meeting room and Boss describes the trip)

Boss: Alright truckers, we got a big one today. (Flips on the projector) We have a huge shipping crate that has arrived here and it must be delivered to the harbor. This crate contains important supplies that the people over in Africa need. In this crate, is the materials the people need in Africa to build a school. We must get it to the harbor before 5pm. Ready, let’s move!

(Everyone gets into their vehicles. Big Benny, Dennis and Mack head over to the storage place where the dual-lane truck awaits them. They slowly get the truck out of the room and a crane places the crate on the uber-long flatbed.)

Big Benny: (Breathes deeply) Well, here we go.

Mack: Take her slow. We must not let the flatbed hit anything.

(Two long hours go by)

Big Benny: (To Mack) You know, I glad that I became a trucker.

Mack: Why?

Big Benny: It’s because you get to be exposed to many things. Look how much we travel. It’s like we go on vacation trips every day. We don’t travel the same routes everyday. We change it up all the time. Because, it’s not just about going and delivering packages, it’s about the joy of traveling, getting to see the beauty of nature that a perfect God created. This experience has taught me that being sheltered is not good for you.

Mack: I agree, I personally was a sheltered young boy. I was shy and could not get along with my friends. But now, I can get along with just about anyone.

(Suddenly the radio goes off)

Mack: Look’s like we’re gonna have to reroute.

(They reroute but they still arrive at the harbor at time. The crate is successfully delivered to Africa and in a matter of months, the first real school is built in Africa. As for Big Benny, Dennis, Mack and the others, they continue to serve and do their duties and do what God has called them to do)  

The Package
A Prop Assignment

     A package, wrapped in brown paper, shoe-box size
     Cell phone

Scene opens with Character 1 seated on bench, reading newspaper. Character 2 enters, stage left, talking on cell phone. Character 2 is carrying a package, sits on bench and places package between he and Character 1.

Megan Bennett's Script

#2- No,no... Well, yeah. (#1 looks at package) Oh... No... Sure. (#1 looks annoyed) Yes! I've got it... Sorry... No... (#1 sticks face further into paper) What!? That's not fair! No... Okay... (#1 looks over top of paper and rolls eyes) I didn't mean... It's just... Okay... (#1 looks at package) If you say so... nah... (#1 gasps, noticing that the package is 'breathing').

#1- Uh... the package is breathing.

#2- Whatever do you mean?

#1- Don't play dumb! What's in it?

#2- That's not for you to know.

#1- So, it's something bad?

#2- Never said that.

#1- I'll call the police!

#2- Well, uh... bye! (runs off stage)

#1- Weirdo. (Notices package is still on bench)

Jack Radford's Script

Character Two
O.K., well I just got the package. What? Why can't I open it... exactly? O.K. What's inside it? A what?!? Why the heck is THAT in there? Why am I given this? I have to do what? (Character One looks uneasy) I don't want to do that! O.K. O.K. (glances at Character One) I still don't want to do that. Bad things could happen. But things might mess up! Then the plan would be ruined. (Character One looks from side-to- side) You should have found someone else. Why? Because I will most likely get caught! I won't be able to set it up without being noticed. I keep telling you that I am not sneaky. I will get caught and you know it. (Character One coughs suspiciously) I am sending this back. (Character One sighs) Because I will be seen setting it up. I can't afford that. No. I'm sending it back and that's final! (Character Two exits Stage Left, carrying package)

Character One
(Pulls phone from pocket and dials number) He just left. Yes, he still has the package.