Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sestinas and the Journey

Quote of the Week
"We are men of action. Lies do not become us."
The Dread Pirate Roberts, a.k.a. Wesley

The creative process, to many people, remains a mystery. My wife and I were blessed to see and hear Arlo Guthrie in concert. He said, "Writing a song is kinda' like fishin'. It's mostly just about being there. And, if you have a pencil when one swims by, you can catch it."

Here are a few of the catches from this week:

By Katie Metz

Does anyone know where my insurance has gone?
It has yet to return from a flight
I have searched too long for a job to call mine
It would be madness to wait for a fowl
So with my occupational tools in hand
The day begins without a cheap from my canary

Trying to remember the importance of a canary
I shout down the tunnels “Has anyone seen where my plumaged pal has gone?”
With no reply I trudge onwards a sturdy shovel in hand
Watching carefully for any signs of flight
I decide not to care about the lost fowl
Instead I focus on earning what is mine

No one else seems to be working down here in the mine
Could it possibly be due to my missing canary?
Why have the birds here at all when the only look pretty but smell foul?
Maybe the other workers finished early and have gone...
I look down at my feet and pick up a yellow feather the kind used in flight
A trickle of unease tinges my thoughts all from the feather clutched by my hand

Throwing it to the dusty ground I instead grasp the shovel close at hand
I move on before another ominous sign taints this mine
Wondering why in the first place a bird would be forced into these dark tunnels by flight
I suddenly remembered that something within here was tested by my canary
He had never failed yet... where could he have gone?
The test must not be that important anyway if it was trusted to fowl

Farther down the path the air took on a quality that came close to foul
Soon I am dragging my shovel in my nearly limp hand
All the sprightly energy of my youth is now gone
My thoughts are clinging to lucidity no longer acting as if they are mine
And then it occurs to me the use of a canary
If they glide in and soar out all is well however not so if a bird fails to return from its flight

I am painfully reminded that my bird never flew home from flight
Where oh where is my fowl?
Stumbling I fall to the ground and land nose to beak with my dead canary
With a burst of adrenaline I right myself with both shovel and hand
As though with wings I escape the wretched mine
Gasping fresh air I realize how close I was to gone

Never again did I underestimate the worth of a canary and its risky flight
I would be gone if not for the daring golden fowl
They lend a much needed wing towards protecting a mine

ses·ti·na[se-stee-nuh]a poem of six six-line stanzas and a three-line envoy, originally without rhyme, in which each stanza repeats the end words of the lines of the first stanza, but in different order, the envoy using the six words again, three in the middle of the lines and three at the end.

We also discussed the journey poem.
The six Components of the Journey
from The Practice of Creative Writing (see below)
Ordinary World
Call to Adventure
Tests and Ordeals

Masking the Truth

by Zach Cassady
The mask that hides your true face
We can't always know why it's there
Or even when we have them on
Masks can be used as walls for your heart
They can also break though them
Make no mistake the mask exists

Can that mask truly hide your face
We like to believe it can
The mask is like a band aid on a scar
The band aid doesn't cure the scar
It only covers it from view
The mask is only the cover in your life story

The mask that your face hides
When you use your mask on some
Then, there becomes confusion to who you are
But use it too often and
It becomes who you are
The mask is a tool for your destruction so

Face the mask that hides the true you

Two resources I highly recommend to anyone interested in the craft of writing are:

The Practice of Creative Writing
by Heather Sellers

Rumors of Water
by L.L. Barkat

Words of the Week
(click on the word to read a definition)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Pantoums and Beginning Again

"Always we begin again."

"Any student can learn to write by going straight for the good stuff: the stuff that really matters, the stuff that captures the reader's attention and imagination." Thus begins The Practice of Creative Writing by Heather Sellers. I am blessed to have students who are "going straight for the good stuff."

This week we wrote pantoums.


noun- a Malay verse form consisting of an indefinite number of quatrains with the second and fourth lines of each quatrain repeated as the first and third lines of the following one.

A love unrequited

the power of discovery
ignorance of the truth
which sparks curiosity

the power of discovery
a longing for more
which sparks curiosity
that causes intelligence

a longing for more
ignorance of the truth
that causes intelligence
a love unrequited

Izak Gainor 


The Crickets chirp
owls howl
animals scurry
under nightfall

Owls howl
the moon is full
under nightfall
water ripples

The moon is full
no light
water ripples
the crickets chirp

Mitchell Warnken

In love of the world
blood and tears
fight never stops
which frightens the world

Blood and tears
true force of our wills
which frightens the world
someday we will love

True force of our wills
will make us enjoy life
someday we will love
in love of the world

Eddie Seitz

Hippos in water
wiggling their ears
sun bathing fun
little birdies clean their teeth

Wiggling their ears
elephants brush away flies
little birdies clean their teeth
cooling down in the heat

Elephants brush away flies
going to the watering hole
cooling down in the heat
hippos in water

Molley Tyler

Looking up to the sky
wondering what is there
I see nothing but blue
I hear only the wind

Wondering what is there
I think of airplanes
I hear only the wind
places I haven't been before

I think of airplanes
they are the best
places I haven't been before
looking up to the sky

Teddy Bilbao

by Nick Nunziata

After the Yankees were down and as they say
Baseball isn't over till the bottom of the 9th
Cano had started the comeback
Down by 5 he swung and it was a grand slam
Everyone was screaming because they were making a comeback
For long the score stayed 7 to 6 until Granderson hit another grand slam
Hollering because they have the lead
Inning 6 now 10 to 7 Yankees
Joe Grardi was happy with his team
Killing the A's as they were up now 12 to 7
Leading off Cocos Crisp fouled out for the 1st out
Managing the A's was different because they always blow the lead
New York was happy with them winning
Out number 3 in the 7th as the Yankees came up
Popping out fourth 1st out
Quitting is what described the A's
Running for the ball Suzuki tripped
Stopping before he hit his head
Texria came up BAM grandslam 16 to 7
Up by 9 they had the game
Victory is what the Yankees saw in the future
Winning by now 13 in the 8th
Xing out the A's batting card
Yelling as they win 20 to 7
Zebra stripes won 22 to 9
Contest- The first person who correctly guesses the owner of the hand seen in the masthead above will win a prize! Submit your answers to-

 Words of the Week
click on the word for a definition

A very special thanks to Katie Metz for transcribing the handwritten pieces you see here!
Thank you, Katie!!! 

Sunday, September 4, 2011


"Imagination does not breed insanity. Exactly what does breed insanity is reason. Poets do not go mad; but chess players do. I am not in any case attacking logic; I only say that this danger lies in logic, not in imagination."
G.K. Chesterton

Creative Writing Class

hand·writ·ing [hand-rahy-ting]
1. writing done with a pen or pencil in the hand; script. 2. a style or manner of writing by hand, especially that which characterizes a particular person.

You are reading the first post from Trinity Christian Preparatory School's Creative Writing Class. This quarter the focus is on poetry.

My Life

Roses have plagued me since I was born,
we have much in common as they share my name,
every signature is a sharp reminder of their clinging hold,
they lend sweetly scented reminders of my early days,
where everything that could go wrong failed to,
but soon creeping tendrils wound their way around me,
causing my stumble into horrid and youthful years,
The beautifully fragranced flowers ushered a facade of happiness into center stage,
to mask the deep gouges thorns had carved into my family,
I began to see blush colored petals laced throughout my life and trusted no one,
finally after much strife I broke free from the grip of roses,
I saw for the first time all was not lost,
Still I feel as though those years will remain ingrained as the worst years of
My Life

Katie Metz

As my journey ends
all things fade
I return to reality
where normal is normal
music is a journey
that you control
your thoughts are the magic keys
to take you where you want to be

Menilik Cannady


Set them free
we are setting them free
The slaves are now free
they leave in happiness
The shackles are off
walk to the light
Set your soul free
you can rejoice
For you are free now
crying from the joy
Into the light
living in a free world
of your own

Megan Bennett

Words of the day
Click on the word for a definition
