Sunday, November 13, 2011


"In the beginning was the Word..."
John 1:1

The word is indeed a powerful force. Ernest Hemingway inspired a genre by writing the following words-

"For sale: baby shoes, never worn."

He said it was the best story he ever wrote. Thus was born the six-word sentence story. Here are a few examples from the Creative Writing class:

"Oh no, she didn't do that!"
Zach Cassady

"That mushroom tasted kind of funny."
Eric Loytty

Ticking clock, does it know all?
Mitchell Warnken

To love is also to cry.
Megan Bennett

As I watched, she wept softly.
Izak Gainor

The experience changed my life completely.
Brian Hady

Everyone has the ability to dream.
Menelik Cannady

Rachel Levi

My example (below), unfortunately, did not have the desired effect because my students had never heard the reference. I suddenly feel old.

"The other shoe- News at Eleven!"
m r carter

Send me your six-word sentence story and I will publish the best-

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