Sunday, December 4, 2011

   "The chief happiness for a man is to be what he is."

This week's discussion topic was Setting, the aspect of stories that blanket the reader with sight, smell, and sound. Students were asked to write the 'setting'- Bacon Cooking, without using the word bacon.
Here are a few results:
Loud, crackling grease,
bubbling, popping
millions of times,
small steam strings
from the pan,
aroma rising
filling the room,
suddenly gone,
and I
no longer hungry
Will May

     The aroma entices me and draws me closer to the shallow, black pan. The sizzle of the grease , colliding with the intense heat, prepares me for a great dish. The thin slivers of meat are pink, like a young mouse fed to a snake. Well, I am the snake. The heat radiates from the crystal clean stovetop, causing me to step back. As the fat melts, my lips start to moisten. The anticipation is killing me.
Mitchell Warnken

     I walked into my kitchen, a tiny, yet homey kitchen which doubled as a dining room. With a small refrigerator, mini microwave, an oven and a stove, it had everything. Yet, it was tiny. As I entered the room I could hear the loud sizzling of something, like the loud praise from an audience for a magician. I smelled the pleasing scent of meat, wafting through the air. I approached my Mother. She was at the stove, like an inventor making new and innovative devices. She was cooking.
Izak Gainor

This Week's
Word of the day
(click on word for definition)

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