Thursday, January 3, 2013

What is the Purpose?

Harlem Summer Day
by Leonard Freed

"Ancient religion and modern science agree: we are here to give praise, or, to slightly tip the expression, to pay attention." 
John Updike

pur·pose[pur-puh s]the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.

The question posed to today's class-

Does everything have a purpose?

Four topics were presented in the form of questions:

What is the purpose of a smile?

What is the purpose of tears?

What is the purpose of laughter?

What is the purpose of love?

Here are a few thoughts from the students:

"A smile can speak things that words cannot possibly convey."
Ella Rosenberg

"God blessed humankind with smiles so that life would hurt a little bit less."
Madeline Keller

"The purpose of a smile is to bring peace and happiness to the receiver."
Mike Guin

"Tears will set you free."
Emma Carter

"Laughter is a specific noise."
Ian Fisher

"Laughter makes you live longer."
Daniel Smith

"The purpose of love is life."
Cuinn McDermott

and this, from Elizabeth Hemingway-

weap·on [ wéppən ]
device designed to injure or kill: a device designed to inflict injury or death on an opponent

That is the definition for the word "weapon". A device designed to injure or kill. A smile can be this. This can come from a bully laughing at his victim, the smile on his face wide and insulting, saying "its funny how pathetic you are" and, "I will always be better." It is a smile designed to injure his victim, or "opponent", from the inside, to even wipe out the others self esteem, "killing" his self image.
Thus, is a smile's purpose to be a weapon?

Shield [ sheeld ]
protection or defense: somebody or something that serves as protection or acts as a defense

That is the definition of a shield- protection or defense, the opposite of a weapon. While the bullie's smile is "designed to injure or kill", the victim has a small protection, a defense against the shoving that was sure to come if he lets his opponent see him break. If he shows that his bully was getting to him, that would be an opportunity, even an invitation for more. So he puts up his defense, the shaky, false smile on his face to make them think he doesn't care. They have the same thing, a smile, but they are opposite from each other.
Therefore, a smile's purpose is to be a weapon and a defense, a hideout for evil and a stronghold of good.

A smile's purpose is whatever you want it to be.

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